True joy of work

Sendai Shirayuri Gakuen High School  Moe Yamamoto

Apr 01, 2018

GLAP Students

Experience of Overseas Internship Program

I participated in the internship for one month at a specialized school for child education in Australia, “Charlton Brown” as a part of my curriculum.
My duties were doing research on international exchange with universities, where childcare qualifications authorized in Japan may be obtained, translating fliers for students, making questionnaires, or arranging the tour for Japanese people to study child education.

These jobs were not really the area that I desire for my future but certainly gave me the opportunity to appreciate “work” by being seriously engaged in this internship. I can say that this has been an amazing and unforgettable experience of all my life. I anticipated that the joy of work may be obtained mostly through hard work, but I discovered that it may also be obtained through meeting with a number of people from all over the world. The internship, which turned out to be fulfilling, definitely clarified my objective and dream. Based on this great experience, I think I will take action to study abroad and broaden my horizon towards my future goals.
*as of the time of this interview



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