FACULTYGlobal Liberal Arts Program (GLAP)
Nakagomi, Sayaka

Courses in charge
Tutorial 1・2,Liberal Arts in Higher Education,Second Year Seminar,Study Abroad 1・2,Global Studies Pre-Seminar,Final Year Seminar 1・2
GLAP is a place where teachers and students with various backgrounds work together to understand and to practice liberal arts, one of the core academic spirits of Rikkyo University. Let’s become a global leader with wide knowledge and flexible and critical thinking skill by experiencing GLAP and Study Abroad!
Tutorial 1・2,Liberal Arts in Higher Education,Second Year Seminar,Study Abroad 1・2,Global Studies Pre-Seminar,Final Year Seminar 1・2
GLAP is a place where teachers and students with various backgrounds work together to understand and to practice liberal arts, one of the core academic spirits of Rikkyo University. Let’s become a global leader with wide knowledge and flexible and critical thinking skill by experiencing GLAP and Study Abroad!
■Specialized field
History of English girls' education during the late 19th & the early 20th century. Social history of education.
■Current Research theme
1) Transformation of ‘domestic subjects’ in English girls' high schools. Educational experiences of women teachers & women students.
2) Transnational approach to women's higher education in Japan before the World War II.
■Research Activity
History of English girls' education during the late 19th & the early 20th century. Social history of education.
■Current Research theme
1) Transformation of ‘domestic subjects’ in English girls' high schools. Educational experiences of women teachers & women students.
2) Transnational approach to women's higher education in Japan before the World War II.
■Research Activity
- “Middle-class ‘femininity’ and girls’ education: North London Collegiate School and ‘domestic subjects’ 1871-1894”. Rekishigakukenkyu, 1018, 2021 [Japanese].
- “Study abroad and the transnational experience of Japanese women from 1860s–1920s: Four stages of female study abroad, Sumi Miyakawa and Tano Jōdai”. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 7(2), 2020 [Sasaki, K., Uchiyama, U. & Nakagomi, S].
- “English middle-class girls’ education and ‘domestic subjects’: Curriculum and students of Manchester High School for Girls 1894 -1914”. Shien, 78 (1), 2018 [Japanese].
- “English middle-class girls’ high schools and ‘domestic subjects’ 1871-1914”. Unpublished PhD Thesis. UCL Institute of Education, University of London, 2016.
- “Introduction of housewifery into English girls’ secondary schools in the late 19th to the early 20th century: Re-reading the writings of S. A. Burstall”. Women and Gender in History, 2, 2014 [Japanese].
Ohashi, Satomi

Courses in charge
Tutorial 1・2,Culture and Fine Arts,Second Year Seminar,Study Abroad 1・2,Global Studies Pre-Seminar, Final Year Seminar 1・2
Tackling different subjects of study with the perspectives and ways of Liberal Arts in the intimate educational environment with a small number of students of GLAP will make you a true global leader. Acquire flexible thoughts and knowledge to be active in the colourful world!
Tutorial 1・2,Culture and Fine Arts,Second Year Seminar,Study Abroad 1・2,Global Studies Pre-Seminar, Final Year Seminar 1・2
Tackling different subjects of study with the perspectives and ways of Liberal Arts in the intimate educational environment with a small number of students of GLAP will make you a true global leader. Acquire flexible thoughts and knowledge to be active in the colourful world!
■Specialized field
Social History of Britain in the early modern and modern periods.
Consumer society and culture in British society.
■Current Research theme
Auctions in the British Consumer Society and Culture in the 18th and 19th centuries.
■Research Activity
Social History of Britain in the early modern and modern periods.
Consumer society and culture in British society.
■Current Research theme
Auctions in the British Consumer Society and Culture in the 18th and 19th centuries.
■Research Activity
- ‘The Roles of Auction in Britain in the Eighteen-century: To understand the Value and the Meaning of Things’, in Kagakushi (The Journal of Society for the History of Chemistry), 47-1,2020.[Japanese]
- ‘The Consuming Culture in England in the 18th century and Public Auctions in the Local Community’, in Y. Tanaka, S. Majima, H. Shin eds., Objects, Desire and Sociability (History of Consumer Culture 2017 Conference Proceedings), Tokyo, 2018.
- ‘Passing on one’s taste in life: the roles and effects of general auctions in spreading noble lifestyle in England in the eighteenth century’, in Y. Tanaka, S. Majima, H. Shin eds., Moving Around: People, Things and Practices in Consumer Culture (History of Consumer Culture 2014 Conference Proceedings), Tokyo, 2015.
- ‘The Auction Duty Act of 1777: the beginning of Institutionalisation of auctions in Britain’, in J. Warren and A. Turpin eds., Auctions, Agents and Dealers: The Mechanisms of the Art Market, 1660-1830, Archaeopress (Oxford), 2007.
Christopher T. Keaveney

Courses in charge
Tutorial 1・2, Graduation Paper, Globalism and Humanities, Literature and Society, Humanities First Seminar, Intellectual History of Japan, Topics in Humanities and Arts
More than ever, the world needs leaders possessing a global vision who can problem solve quickly and effectively and who can communicate their ideas succinctly in English. The Liberal Arts educational model upon which GLAP is based fosters precisely those skills while cultivating the intellectual curiosity that is the hallmark of the lifelong learner. Let the Global Liberal Arts Program help you to become the global citizen you were meant to be!
Tutorial 1・2, Graduation Paper, Globalism and Humanities, Literature and Society, Humanities First Seminar, Intellectual History of Japan, Topics in Humanities and Arts
More than ever, the world needs leaders possessing a global vision who can problem solve quickly and effectively and who can communicate their ideas succinctly in English. The Liberal Arts educational model upon which GLAP is based fosters precisely those skills while cultivating the intellectual curiosity that is the hallmark of the lifelong learner. Let the Global Liberal Arts Program help you to become the global citizen you were meant to be!
■Specialized Field
Comparative literature. History of Sino-Japanese literary exchange in the interwar period. Modern and contemporary Japanese cultural studies.
■Current Research theme
The influence of Orientalism on encounters with Japan and expressions of Japan by Western rock and pop musicians from the 1960s to the present.
■Research Activity
・Dancing in an Eastern Dream: Rock Artists, Butterfly, and the Allure of Japan (Lexington Books, 2020)
・Contesting the Myths of Samurai Baseball: Cultural Representations of Japan’s National Pastime (Hong Kong University Press, 2018)
・The Cultural Evolution of Postwar Japan: The Intellectual Contributions of Yamamoto Sanehiko (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)
・Beyond Brushtalk: Sino-Japanese Literary Exchange in the Interwar Period (Hong Kong University Press, 2009)
・The Subversive Self in Modern Chinese Literature: The Creation Society’s Reinvention of the Japanese Shishōsetsu (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), etc.
Comparative literature. History of Sino-Japanese literary exchange in the interwar period. Modern and contemporary Japanese cultural studies.
■Current Research theme
The influence of Orientalism on encounters with Japan and expressions of Japan by Western rock and pop musicians from the 1960s to the present.
■Research Activity
・Dancing in an Eastern Dream: Rock Artists, Butterfly, and the Allure of Japan (Lexington Books, 2020)
・Contesting the Myths of Samurai Baseball: Cultural Representations of Japan’s National Pastime (Hong Kong University Press, 2018)
・The Cultural Evolution of Postwar Japan: The Intellectual Contributions of Yamamoto Sanehiko (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)
・Beyond Brushtalk: Sino-Japanese Literary Exchange in the Interwar Period (Hong Kong University Press, 2009)
・The Subversive Self in Modern Chinese Literature: The Creation Society’s Reinvention of the Japanese Shishōsetsu (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), etc.
Mellet, Xavier

Courses in charge
Tutorial 1・2, Graduation Paper, Political Sociology, Citizenship First Seminar, Principles of Sociology, Citizenship Education, Cross-Fields Research
In a world of massive changes, younger generations are meant to grow with rising global issues and questions. GLAP aims at helping students becoming global citizens and feel at ease with complexity, by equipping them with the skills for understanding and applying critical thinking on complex issues, related to both local specificities and worldwide trends. Small classes, intensive communication, and an open curriculum will help students enjoying learning and building up a mature personality in a globalizing world.
Tutorial 1・2, Graduation Paper, Political Sociology, Citizenship First Seminar, Principles of Sociology, Citizenship Education, Cross-Fields Research
In a world of massive changes, younger generations are meant to grow with rising global issues and questions. GLAP aims at helping students becoming global citizens and feel at ease with complexity, by equipping them with the skills for understanding and applying critical thinking on complex issues, related to both local specificities and worldwide trends. Small classes, intensive communication, and an open curriculum will help students enjoying learning and building up a mature personality in a globalizing world.
■Specialized field
Populism and political communication, youth civic engagement and citizenship education, French and Japanese domestic politics.
■Current Research theme
Youth political participation in Japan and France (engagement and citizenship education). Political communication, media and populism in contemporary Japanese politics.
■Research Activity
Populism and political communication, youth civic engagement and citizenship education, French and Japanese domestic politics.
■Current Research theme
Youth political participation in Japan and France (engagement and citizenship education). Political communication, media and populism in contemporary Japanese politics.
■Research Activity
- SUZUKI Noriko, MELLET Xavier, ANNAKA Susumu and ENDO Masahisa (eds.), Public Behavioural Responses to Policy Making during the Pandemic, Routledge, December 2022.
- “Youth Civic Engagement”, in DESJARDINS Richard and WIKSTEN Susan (eds), Handbook of Civic Engagement and Education, Edward Elgar Publishing, December 2022.
- “Global Citizenship Education in Japanese Higher Education: from French political training to a plurilingual and multicultural approach to social justice in a CLIL setting”, with DETEY Sylvain, in WIKSTEN Susan (ed.), Centering Global Citizenship Education in the Public Sphere. International Enactments of GCED for Social Justice and Common Good, Routledge, June 1st 2021.
- “Youth and Politics in Japan” (in French: “Jeunes et politique au Japon”), Etudes. Revue de culture contemporaine, November 2019.
- “The ‘Bayrou moment’ as a mediatic bubble during the 2007 French presidential election” (in French: “Le ‘moment Bayrou’ comme bulle médiatique lors de l’élection présidentielle de 2007”), Mots. Les langages du politique, November 2019.