Importance of expressing my opinion in the environments with diverse people
Rakuten, Inc. / Yuna Takahashi Graduated March 2021
May 10, 2021
GLAP Alumini

Throughout my experience in GLAP, working in an international environment became my core value for my future career. I had many chances to interact with international students since GLAP students could stay in a dorm itory with them and take small classes together. Especially, I learned a lot from the global leadership course “GL111” which I took in my first year and needed to work on a group project given by a client organization. My group was very international and that made me nervous since I had no experience in working with people from different countries and cultures. However, what I found from our group work was that each one of us has a creative idea that can never be the same and a different perspective brought up a very special idea. I realized the importance of new values and individuality that are created when I make somet hing with people around the world and I was convinced that the work value would be even greater if I can work while exchanging opinions in a multicultural environment. When I was studying abroad in Jacksonville, I had met many new friends there and I was inspired by their ambitions and energy towards their future goals. Those experiences also made me feel that I want to work with people around the world. By keeping the “importance of expressing my opinion in the environments with diverse people” that I learned through taking classes, study abroad, and internship from the junior year in mind, I will challenge a vriety of activities in future.
(Graduated March 2021)
(Graduated March 2021)